Language and situation: Language varieties and their social contexts (5th edition)

Originally published in 1978. This book provides and explains a framework for understanding and describing variations of style of language in relation to the social context in which it is used.

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HBR guide to dealing with conflict Assess the situation manage your emotions move on

While some of us enjoy a lively debate with colleagues and others prefer to suppress our feelings over disagreements, we all struggle with conflict at work. Every day we navigate an office full of competing interests, clashing personalities, limited time and resources, and fragile egos. Sure, we share the same overarching goals as our colleagues, but we don't always agree on how to achieve them. We work differently. We rub each other the wrong way. We jockey for position.

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Quyết đoán trong mọi tình huống (How to be assertive in any situation)

Gồm những kỹ thuật làm thay đổi cuộc sống để thử thách nỗi sợ hãi, phát triển sự tự tin và hướng cuộc sống theo hướng mình mong muốn, trong đó tính quyết đoán là yếu tố quan trọng giúp bạn có được công cụ cần thiết để tạo dựng cuộc sống thành công và hạnh phúc

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